IPOSZ English

IPOSZ in short

IPOSZ - Hungarian Association of Craftmen's Corporation

- The largest national employer and professional organisation of Hungarian micro and small-sized enterprises, and crafts
- The spiritual repository of craftsmen's corporations and their successive structures since 1884

- A national umbrella organisation of 200 legally independent craftsmen's corporations operating on a voluntary basis, including

- 156 regional craftsmen's corporations
- 27 national professional craftsmen's corporations
- 17 county associations

- A total of 40,000 individual entrepreneurs and business companies, 200,000 employees, 6,000 apprentices, and 110,000 assisting family members

Major Aims and Objectives of IPOSZ

- Protecting and enforcing the interests of micro and small-sized enterprises, and crafts;
- Creating the most appropriate economic environment for them and boosting their efficiency in order to increase their competitiveness and market share, as well as providing them with opportunities to get access to the most beneficial resources;
- Developing domestic service systems and operating them directly and through member organisations (craftsmen's corporations and professional associations);
- Developing and operating an EU-compliant national IT and service system;
- Co-ordinating the professional pre- and further training of micro and small-sized enterprises, and crafts at an EU level; and
- Co-ordinating and representing the international professional relationships and interests of such enterprises, and assisting them in gaining access to foreign markets.

Affiliation to International Organisations

- Hanseatic Parliament, North European SMEs Economic Group, Hamburg

Affiliation to Prime Hungarian Interest Conciliation Bodies

National Interest Conciliation Council with its ten Professional Committees, National ILO Council, Sectoral Council, National Vocational Training Council, National Adult Training Council, Enterprise Promotion Council (Ministry of Economy and Transport), Hungarian Enterprise Promotion Foundation (MVA) Board of Trustees and Micro Credit Committee

Co-operation Agreements with Ministries and National Organisations

Ministry of Human Resources, Ministry of Rural Development, National Institute for Vocational Training, Council of Higher Education and Science, national trade unions, Regional Training Committees

IPOSZ's mission

-Within the scope of its general interest representation activities, representing the interests of crafts, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (family businesses) as employers at various forums for interest conciliation;
- Representing the interests of member organisations as employers (regional and professional craftsmen's corporations) in each sector in concluding collective sectoral agreements;
- Liaising with the Government and the parliamentary parties, as well as all political parties and movements promoting the interests of crafts, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (family businesses), with partner employer and professional organisations responsible for professional advocacy, Ministries and public institutions, as well economic chambers;
- Providing counselling for affiliated organisations and their respective members to promote their activities, providing various services, and operating service systems;
- Providing information systems for affiliated organisations, their respective members and in general enterprises to keep them updated, publishing newspapers, reports and other publications, and operating the IPOSZ home page; and
- Promoting and co-ordinating the training activities of affiliated organisations.

Major Services of Craftsmen's Corporations of IPOSZ

The services of affiliated organisations fundamentally influence the efficiency of interest representation and protection activities of IPOSZ. These services are the followings:

- Taxation and Social Security

Cash book keeping, completion of tax returns, preparation of, and assistance in preparing VAT returns, reconciliation of tax accounts, representation before the Hungarian Tax and Financial Control Administration (APEH) and in tax audits and Social Security revisions, counselling and administration, as well as contribution to matters of Personal Income Tax, local tax and tourism tax. Application for Individual Pension Insurance Record Sheets (NYENYI), their completion and submission.

- Major Services Related to Entrepreneurial Activities

Personnel mediation, legal aid, trade shows and product presentations. Management of conferences and exhibitions. Information on, and conducting examinations in, labour safety and fire prevention rules. Information on environmental protection. Full-scale bookkeeping for enterprises (both single and double-entry). Preparation of quotations and invoices (simplified and itemised). Calculation of overhead costs and hourly rates. Preparation of payment orders, information, and counselling in litigation. Financial and customs information and counselling. Insurance administration. Credit information. Information on pension matters, making pension arrangements, including form completion. Co-operation with institutes engaged in apprentice training.


Ipartestületek Országos Szövetsége (IPOSZ)
Hungarian Association of Craftmen's Corporations
H-1087 Budapest
Luther utca 4-6. 

President: László NÉMETH
Director of foreign affairs: Gábor SOLTI solti@iposz.hu

+36 1 354 31 50
+36 1 354 31 51
+36 1 354 31 52

Fax: +36 1 269 29 57
Web: www.iposz.hu