(for English version of the project study see below)
The project is financed by the International Visegrad Fund

Project title: Digitization, Robotics and Technical Modernization as tools for boosting Productivity of SMEs
Lead Partner:
- Hungarian Association of Craftsmen’s Corporations, IPOSZ
- Malopolska Chamber of Crafts and Entrepreneurship
- Association of Small and Medium-Sized Entreprises and Crafts of the Czech Republic (AMSP ČR)
- Slovak Craft Industry Federation, SZZ
Project description in brief:
IPOSZ and its partners plan to implement a project which examines digitization, robotics and technical modernization as tools for boosting productivity of family, micro and small businesses.
The first step in the project is to formulate a questionnaire with the involvement of the four partner organizations. The questions will examine the following issues: Are there any kinds of digital equipment, modern tools, materials or technological innovations which can increase the productivity of a small business? In order to obtain these modern technologies, what do small businesses have to do or what do they need (subsidies, favorable credits, etc.)? So as to operate the purchased new technology, what do they need?
Using the questionnaire, every partner will do interviews with 7-7 businesses/countries so as to ask micro, small and medium-sized enterprises about the current situation in these two fields of the construction industry:
a) construction works (masonry, field-work, roofing, insulation, painting, including 3D technologies and utilization of drones),
b) building engineering, energy and water supply in construction works (electricians, water and gas fitting, heating and air conditioning, sewage treatment, use of smart window technologies, renewable energy sources: solar energy, wind energy production, passive houses):
As a next step, an 1,5-day international conference will be held in Budapest on 15-16thOctober, 2019. The 1,5-day conference will follow the division of the questionnaires. Project partners will speak about the experiences of the interviews. Italian, German, Austrian and European best practices will be presented too. Press conference will be organized. The aim of the conference is to evaluate the current situation, to present best practices and to make suggestions for further steps.
Besides the representatives of the V4 partners, experts from the Austrian, German, Italian and European SME organizations will also be invited to.
By using the experience of the international conference, a 30-page study will be compiled to evaluate the current situation, to present best practices and to make suggestions for further steps. The final study would be completed in English and translated into the languages of the four participating V4 countries. The conclusions of the study will be widely disseminated to the member companies and professional organizations of the participating V4 organizations, and in each country to the relevant ministries and other competent bodies. We wish to implement this project with our Slovakian, Czech and Polish partners with whom we already have been successfully implemented 3 Visegrad projects and we have been cooperating for several decades, both on a European scale and in the reinforcement of the SME cooperation among the Visegrad states.
Presentations of the international conference held in Budapest on 15-16thOctober 2019
Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM)
Association of Small and Medium-Sized Entreprises and Crafts of the Czech Republic (AMSP ČR)
Slovak Craft Industry Federation (SŽZ)
Małopolska Chamber of Craft and Entrepreneurship in Krakow
European Builders Confederation (EBC)
Hungarian Association of Craftsmen's Corporations IPOSZ
Confartigianato Bergamo
WIFI Österreich
ICT Association of Hungary
Az International Visegrad Fund honlapja: http://visegradfund.org/home/ www.visegradfund.org